Saturday, January 19, 2008


I just finished a book called Joni. I was given this book from my good friend, Kate, when I was baptized. Thanks Kate! It is a very good book, that I strongly recommend.

It is an autobiography of Joni Eareckson Tada, who became paralyzed from the neck down when she was only 17. It is the story of an amazing woman who went through so much. It is a very encouraging and humbling story of someone who trusted the Lord and was able to cope with not being able to do almost anything because the Lord helped her.

I highly recommend it!

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Darling Sister

For my lovely new blog design, I have to thank my wonderful sister, Ruth! She spent about 45 hours (about 1 and 1/2 actually) helping me to do clever things that I didn't even know existed! Today, she has proved herself to be a bit of a clever bean with Web Designs! Thank you Ruth!

Also, thank you God for giving me such wonderful, willing to help sisters!

Our Awesome Creator

Recently I bought the computer game Sims 2. Basically it's a game where you make "people" and run and rule their lives. You can make them do whatever you want. Well, just imagine us as a bit like a Sim. There is a Creator of everything who can make us do whatever He wants. He completely rules our lives. While in Sims, I can wreck and destroy and mess up one of my character's lives, and often (accidentally) get things wrong, God NEVER messes things up, He NEVER gets things wrong, He rules our lives perfectly! In His gracious plan for human life, he doesn't wreck everyone's lives, He nurtures lives, He helps us to grow, He opens up more of His Word for us to understand. Even though He has the power to blow up the earth and cut off all human life (which is what we deserve) instead, He sent His only, beloved son to give us a chance for life. Wow! I'm very glad God is my Creator and not me!