Hello! I have just started a blog. A bit about me: I am nearly 12 years old, have a mum, dad, 2 sisters, a dog, and a fish!
My mum's name is Sue, my dad's name is David (his blog is: http://www.davidpfield.blogspot.com/) My eldest sister's name is Sarah, and my elder sister's name is Ruth (her blog is: http://www.pickledonion.blogspot.com/).
My dog's name is Smudge, and my fish's name is Daisy. I used to have 2 fish, one called Daisy (the one I've got now) and the other Tom, after the brill toy shop in London called DAISY AND TOM. But one night Tom jumped out of his tank and "drowned!" So now I only have Daisy, but soon hopefully I'll get another one.
A bit about my family: My Dad lectures at Oak Hill College; my Mum teaches me at home; Sarah is going to a University in America in August and is 19; Ruth has a job in London and is 17; Smudge spends his life sleeping, eating, getting taken for walks, getting cuddled, scratching (!) and is 5; and Daisy spends her time being a goldfish and isn't yet 1!
At the moment it is 21:06 on Thursday the 20th of July 2006! My favorite colours, as you can tell, are pink, purple, and (I haven't yet got to it) orange!